Human Biology Lab Book
Fourth Edition, © 2016
ISBN 978-1-885380-15-9
541 Pages
26 Chapters
This lab book can be used in a general biology course or for a focused human biology course. The survey of microbes, plants, and animals have been replaced with additional human focused labs that are not in our other general biology lab books (Biology Lab Book and Laboratory Investigations).
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- These labs include some of our general biology labs plus appropriately modified and focused human physiology labs.
- Every exercise in every lab has been classroom tested. The experiments work.
- The labs simplify difficult scientific concepts without oversimplifying the text. It makes learning biology fun.
- The approach of these labs is “step by step” which fosters self-directed lab groups. It is a joy for teachers and students.
- Measurement
- Experimentation
- The Microscope
- Cells
- Chemistry of Water
- Enzymes
- Cell Respiration and Metabolic Rate
- Heat Production and Body Insulation
- Diet Analysis
- Designing a Diet Plan
- Mitosis & Meiosis (Sameness & Variety)
- Genes and Protein Synthesis
- Genetics
- Biotechnology
- Embryology
- Breathing - Mechanics and Patterns
- The Heart
- Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Conditioning
- Kidney Function
- Kidney Function - Analysis of Tests and Disorders
- Senses and Perception
- Biofeedback
- Sleeping Patterns and Circadian Rhythms
- Human Evolution
- Them Bones
- Biology and the Mind
Supplements Included with Lab Books
Instructor Guide—The answer book. Our guide orients new teachers to your program. It is the ideal aid for tutors.
“Biology Lab Book is the best lab book I’ve used in lab preparations. Materials are inexpensive, easy to find, and illustrate biological principles in wonderfully clear ways. Best of all, students are encouraged to think and have fun doing it.
—Barbara Hampson, Senior Laboratory Technician
“Don’t let the simple format fool you! Students come away from these labs with a very sophisticated understanding of the fundamentals of biology.”
—Russell Di Fiori, Botany and General Biology Instructor
“I’ve used at least 10 different biology lab books... Biology Lab Book is the first one that my students can follow and actually learn from. I love the questions. They make my students think!”
—Denise Vizcarra, Ecology and General Biology Instructor
“This is the best lab manual I’ve ever used, as a student or as a teacher. It encourages the student to think critically and independently, while giving them the guidance and direction they need. What a refreshing change!”
—Rebecca L. C. Bailey, General Biology Instructor