Every success story has a beginning. There are 7 reasons to adopt.

Learning is Fun
Our Lab Books make learning biology fun. We simplify difficult scientific concepts and make you a hero in the lab. Our labs are easy to set up and maintain.

Everything works. Our labs have been perfected in the classroom by more than 200,000 students.

Step-By-Step Approach
Experience your students! Our step-by-step approach allows students to become self directed. When you give your students the opportunity, they will arrive early to class and start on their work. Your class will be the one they remember when reflecting on their college experience.

Manageable Labs
Our labs are so manageable that you can easily convert mid year! Your Lab Tech will love their book and the help we give them. We include free Lab Techs Guides, Instructor Guides and 200+ laminated signs for classroom setups and student safety procedures. Our program is full of support.

Cut your Budget
Do you need to cut your budget? Here is your answer! The typical lab cost runs about $100 per lab. Ours operates at about $10 a lab. 1/10 the cost!

Grow your Program
Would you like to grow your program? We have helped schools double their program size. This creates a great support network for other specialty areas in the biology department.

A New World
The management approach of this lab program creates new possibilities. It is easy for new teachers to integrate into the program and do well from the start.